blender particle experiments - make a vampire sparkle

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-02-14T05:45:34+00:00

In this blender particle experiment I took a awsome looking vampire - which was modelled and textured exclusively with blender - and made it sparkle (I was told that every good looking vampire has to sparkle these days)

I used a particle system with the no physics option to keep the particles from moving and set the livetime to a very short value. I also made some polygons and added them to a group.

The polygons have a emitting material and have been moved to another layer. This way the particles don't show up in the first layer but I can use renderlayers to make to seperate images - one for the vampire and another one for the sparkles.

Finnaly I used the compositor to add the glare and mixed the two images together

you can download the blend file here and download the texture here

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